Wednesday 18 May, 10am – 1pm – Collegiate Crescent Campus
Join us for this showcase event for Health and Wellbeing staff/students and external partners who are interested or currently participating in cancer or palliative care research. Jointly organised by the Faculty Cancer Interest Group and the Palliative and End of Life Supportive Care Interest Group and supported by the Public Health Hub, the seminar will showcase cancer and palliative care research being undertaken within the faculty, and feature speakers from cancer and palliative care organisations providing an overview of current research priorities. The event will also provide networking opportunities for staff, students and local partners to share and highlight partnership working and promote further synergistic collaborations.
Download the Cancer and Palliative Care Showcase Event Programme for details or contact Prof Karen Collins (Chair of the Faculty Cancer Interest Group) or Dr Julie Skilbeck (Chair of the Faculty Palliative Care Interest Group)
The event is free and is open to individuals with an interest in cancer and palliative care research, however places are limited. To register please email Anna Ryan at
Would you like to display a poster?
Posters for this event are now being accepted. The poster must be focused on cancer and palliative care research. Abstracts must be no longer than 200 words and include the following headings: background, aims, methods, findings, conclusions. Please submit posters and abstracts to by Friday 6 May. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.