IS&T carried out the annual test of the IT systems Disaster Recovery capability over the weekend of 2-3 January. The tests followed last year’s successful work on testing the recovery processes for software systems by simulating the failure of the equipment that underpins the University’s IT services and recovering systems to prove that the University would able to recover in the event of a major incident.
IS&T planned and managed the work to make sure there was little impact on IT services. Of the three tests undertaken, two worked without issue and the third successfully uncovered a potential issue on the system providing disk storage for most University services. This was investigated during last week, the cause of the issue identified and the failover test successfully re-run on Friday evening to ensure that the system behaves as expected.
These tests are conducted annually as part of the University’s business continuity planning. If you have any questions about the tests please contact Dave Thornley or Mark Charlesworth.