The University is changing the way it recycles, and we need your help to continue to reduce our environmental impact by recycling the right items in the right way.
Last year the University appointed Veolia, who use local facilities to process our waste. Recycling has been streamlined throughout our estate so now you can recycle:
- paper (except paper cups*),
- cardboard,
- clean plastic bottles, and
- clean tins and cans
Items contaminated by food or drink are not suitable for recycling and should be put in the general waste. All other items should either be put in the general waste bins or disposed of through x4444
All waste bins are being updated with clearer labels to help us recycle and Do the Right Thing at Sheffield Hallam.
For further information please visit our Waste and Recycling Pages and for information on how to recycle specific types of waste please look at our Recycling Handbook. Alternatively you could find your local Green Champion who can advise you further.
If you have any questions regarding recycling at Sheffield Hallam, come to our Recycling Roadshow where you can get some recycled freebies. We will be at Owen main entrance, Level 5 on Tuesday 26 January between 10am-2pm and at Heart of the Campus on Wednesday 27 January between 10am-2pm.