Thursday 21 January, 2.30-4pm, venue TBC
Designing programmes that support a positive and engaging student experience is a complex operation. Map my Programme was conceived as a process for sharing assessment information across a programme team and visualising the outcome through an automatic report that graphically and interactively displays assessment diet and relationships through a simulation of the student journey.
Staff can then interact with the tool and see, in real-time, the consequences of their design decisions and adapt assessment profiles, diversity and timings to better enhance the assessment experience.
At the end of this practical workshop delegates will be able to:
- Assess the role of an open-source holistic assessment mapping tool in curriculum design and review;
- Diagnose assessment diets and suggest modifications to enhance the staff/student experience of assessment & curriculum delivery;
- Formulate a strategy for using the tool within their department.
Simon Walker is a National Teaching Fellow and Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He is the Head of Educational Development at the University of Greenwich, responsible for developing university policy and strategy on learning and teaching, and professional development for academic staff. He co-led the development of the Students as Change Agents UK Network. He is a co-author of the Larnaca Declaration on Learning Design, published in 2016 as the book Learning Design: Conceptualizing a Framework for Teaching and Learning Online.
Participation in this workshop will require a laptop/tablet. To book a place please email Dean Rhodes at d.m.rhodes@shu.ac.uk