IT Security – Protecting your portable equipment

Portable IT equipment can be easily lost or stolen, and is attractive to thieves especially in the run up to Christmas.  To reduce the risk of loss or theft, staff should bear the following in mind:

  • Portable equipment should be locked away at the end of each day, especially at weekends, preferably in a locked cabinet or room
  • Portable devices should be encrypted and password protected to minimise data loss and passwords must be kept separately from the devices
  • Don’t leave equipment on open display or unattended for any period of time

All losses of University-owned equipment should be reported to (extension 2000) and (extension 3333), and potential data losses should be reported to the Information Governance Officer (extension 3361) in accordance with the Data Security Breach Management Procedure.

Further help and advice can be found on the IS&T intranet site, or by contacting For data protection guidance please see the University Secretariat intranet site or contact Helen Williamson (extension 3361, email