HCCJ Conference & Seminar Series

The Hallam Centre for Community Justice centre is a dynamic research-driven centre that delivers services to a variety of clients throughout the community and criminal justice sector. We have a broad range of experience and expertise which combines academic, professional, managerial, administrative, knowledge management and research skills.  Please feel free to register to attend our forthcoming events:


Inaugural Seminar – “What works, what doesn’t, what’s inconvenient and what’s ignored – using research evidence to inform criminal justice policy?”
Wednesday, 13 January 2016 from 3pm – 5pm

Speakers will be Norman Baker, former Home Office Minister for Crime Prevention and Sarah Morton, Head of Reducing Reoffending Analysis Programme at the Ministry of Justice.

For more information and to book a place please visit the Eventbrite page.


13th Annual Portal Lecture – Imagining Probation in 2020: hopes, fears and insights?
Thursday, 28 April 2016 from 6pm – 7.45pm

With Professor Paul Senior, Chair of the Probation Institute

The event will be delivered in conjunction with the Probation Institute.  For more information and to book a place please visit the Eventbrite page.