This is an annual online survey which asks students for their feedback. It helps us to understand their perceptions of the University and it gives them the chance to comment on different aspects of their experience and put forward ideas for change. The survey is run by an independent agency, i-graduate.
All students studying on campus can take part in the survey – all years, levels and modes, including international students. Students who are studying on courses taught overseas or off campus, distance learning students or those on a placement year will not be included in the survey.
The survey will not be promoted to UK UG final year students who will be invited to complete the NSS in early 2016, but they are still able to complete the survey .
At the end of the survey students are able to nominate up to two members of staff (academic or non-academic) for an Inspirational Teaching Award. 4929 nominations were received last year with a total of 1777 individual staff/groups of staff nominated.
Incentives for students to complete the survey include a prize draw to win an iPad, Amazon gift vouchers or £1000 in cash, plus every student who completes the survey receives a voucher for a free hot drink.
In order to achieve a good response rate and get useful course-level data, your help would be appreciated in promoting the survey to students you speak to or you have contact with. Details of the survey and a promotional toolkit including a PowerPoint presentation which can be used during lectures is available on the Student Barometer Survey intranet page.
The closing date for the survey is Friday 27 November.