New exit gates at the Adsetts Library

Over the summer, new exit gates were installed at the Adsetts Library and were switched on on Monday 5 October.  These gates will provide better management information about who is using the library and will help to keep the building more safe and secure by allowing us to see who is in the building at any one time.

The gates record who has entered the building and what time they leave, so we can build up a better picture of who uses the library, what time they use it, how long they stay etc. We can also use the new software to look at occupancy and, at a glance, we can see how many people are in the building. In the future, this information could be used to help us to target resources more effectively.

As from Monday 5 October, staff and students now need to swipe out of the building in exactly the same way they do to get in.

The same gates will be installed at Collegiate at a later date as part of a project to refurbish the whole of the Foyer and entrance area in the library.