Free staff screening of Pride

We’re proud to announce the first of our regular film nights, Equality in Motion, being launched in support of our commitment to equality and diversity as a University.

On Wednesday 21 October, we’ll be hosting a special screening of the smash-hit 2014 film, Pride; this follows National Coming Out Day on 11 October. Taking place at the Curzon cinema, the event will start at 6pm. You can view a trailer for the British LGBT-related historical comedy-drama here.

Eleanor Formby, senior research fellow in the Sheffield Institute of Education, will be our guest speaker. Eleanor’s a sociologist whose areas of expertise include equality and diversity; she has published research on lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) health and wellbeing, including issues related to homophobic and transphobic bullying.

If you’d like to come along to Equality in Motion on 21 October, please send an expression of interest to Pauline Isherwood by 12 noon on 13 October. Because there are a limited number of seats available, we’ll let you know if you’ve got a ticket by the end of 15 October.