Important information for users of Core Portal

Access to Core Portal and the e-recruitment Jobs Site will be closed for 2 days from 5pm on Tuesday 18 August due to a software upgrade of our HR & Payroll system.

Access will resume on Friday 21 August but to minimise delays in processing we ask that you ensure your Portal activity is up-to-date prior to the 19th. This includes processing any outstanding approvals and submitting any pending Manager Requests, Staff Recruitment Requests, Timesheets and Expense claims so they can  continue through the system when it reopens on the 21st.

Online payslips will be released early and be available to view from Monday 17th.

The HR Recruitment Team will advise managers how the closure might affect their recruitment activity and no vacancies will be scheduled to close during this time.

The upgrade is necessary to ensure the system continues to run efficiently and  keep up-to-date with improvements. After the upgrade you will see some enhancements such as:

  • More intuitive navigation between Portal pages
  • Better integration of recruitment activities into Manager & Employee Portals
  • Cleaner layout for Expenses, added help text and prompts to attach receipts.

For further information, please check the Core Portal intranet pages or email ! Realise