Great care is discovered, not decided

Tuesday 28 April, 5.30 for 6pm start at F518 Robert Winston Building,
Inaugural Professorial Lecture – Professor Tom Downes

Few other industries can match the capacity of the NHS for continual learning. However, with the increasing complexity of modern health care, high quality care is less a product of one-to-one clinician–patient interactions and more the outcome of multiple decisions and interventions across many care settings and teams. In this context, it is no longer enough for staff to be equipped with specialist medical knowledge; they also need the knowledge and skills necessary to design and improve the system of care. Professor Tom Downes, reflecting on his quality improvement journey, will describe and evidence health care improvement in Sheffield and beyond. He will demonstrate the technical aspects of improvement science, focusing on the human aspects of change by use of stories and data.

Places are free and include light refreshments but must be booked in advance.