Timesheet claims for payment transferring online

From 26 February some Timesheet Claims for Payment  will transfer online to Core Portal.  More details about this change can be found in an all staff email sent to you on 18 February.  Support and Guidance is available on the staff intranet.

Which Claims for Payment are Transferring Online?

Claims for payment covers claims for work done that are not processed by payroll as part of your salary. Claims for payment are claims that are made as and when work is completed and then paid through the monthly payroll. From the 26th February, the following claims must be made through the Timesheets tab of the Core Portal:

  • Overtime claims at the applicable rate
  • Standby and Call Out claims
  • Academic Additional Hours
  • Claims made by Sports Coaches and Group Fitness Class Instructors

Please note: The following groups initially WILL NOT claim via Core Portal and should continue to use their current process until further notice. These groups will be advised before their claims transfer to Core Portal.

  • Casual workers
  • Associate Lecturers
  • Disability Support Workers

If you would like to find out more about Timesheets Claims for Payment we are offering hour long demonstrations in March. If you wish to attend, please email ! Realise Project with your preferred date.

Date Time Venue
17 March 11.00 Stoddart 7331
18 March 14.00 Aspect Court 15207
20 March 13.00 Stoddart 7505
23 March 10.00 Learning Centre C105b
24 March 13.00 Learning Centre C036
26 March 10.00 Owen 1034