Participants needed for blood sugar study

We are carrying out a study which is designed to answer questions around blood sugar control and risk for diabetes.

We specifically need inactive people (people who do less than 30 minutes physical activity a day (brisk walking, exercise classes, jogging are classed as physical activity whereas slow paced walking, office work is ‘inactive’).

The test involves having a number of finger-prick blood samples taken over a two hour period, on two separate occasions in the morning. You would need to have the tests done before you have breakfast on the day of testing (this will be roughly 9-11am) and not be diabetic to take part in this study.

For your participation we will check your blood sugar control and measure your body-composition (body fat percentage etc.) and interpret the results of the study and your personal results with you at the time of taking the last test.  We will also give you a pedometer (step counter) for taking part.

If you need further clarification or to discuss the project please contact Dr Trevor Simper (project supervisor)

The deadline for participants to take part is Thursday 5 March.