Imagine seminar

Wednesday, February 25
12–1pm Lunch, the Gallery, Cantor Building
1–4pm Seminar, Cantor Room 9235

The Imagine seminar series is a University-wide programme to promote collaborations and multi-disciplinary research within Sheffield Hallam University and beyond.

This particular seminar, led by the Sheffield Business School, promises debate around varied issues of work and employment relations in the global labour market. It is open to staff across the University, all alumni and members of the general public.

Dying for an iphone – the politics of global production – Dr. Jenny Chan, Centre for Contemporary Studies, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, University of Oxford

Divide and serve: the labour process in service value chains and networks – Prof Dr Jorg Flecker, The Institut fur Soziologie, University of Vienna

How ‘local’ is ‘local’? The political economy of tourism in Zanzibar – Dr. Dorothea Meyer, Sheffield Business School

Visit the Imagine seminar website for more information.  To sign up please email