World War I Centenary Lecture Series

Remembering, Commemorating and Refighting the First World War: German Perspectives from 1919 to the present

Thursday 22 January 2015 at 6pm
Peak Lecture Theatre, Owen Building

Compared to Britain, Germany’s marking of the centenary of the First World War in 2014 has been surprisingly low key. German commentators have also expressed bewilderment at the attention given to the 100th anniversary of this conflict in the UK, one national newspaper in March 2014 even referring to a ‘Britischer Gedenk-Marathon’ or ‘British commemoration marathon’.

This talk will seek to explain the apparent disinterest in and feeling of detachment from the First World War in today’s Germany by assessing the different ways in which it has been remembered, commemorated and refought in the long period from 1919 to the present.

Places are free and include refreshments on arrival, but must be booked in advance.