Change to the University Dropbox service

The University dropbox service is available to University staff and students to transfer files too large for email or SharePoint.

From 19 January, we will be switching to a different provider, Zendto, while we make the change there will be special transition arrangements in place. From 20 January, you will still be able to collect files from but you will only be able to deposit files using

After 3 February, the old dropbox service will be removed completely and you will automatically be directed to the new one.

How is this different to or Google drive?
The University’s dropbox service is short-term for transferring very large files and the data is held on University-owned equipment. is a 3rd-party provider of long-term storage of data for your own use or to share with others. There are significant risks to the university in using externally-hosted services. These are explained in the Cloud Storage Policy.

Google Drive is also a 3rd-party long-term storage service, but access to Google drive is through your University Google account. This is preferable to using other commercial drop boxes because some of the risks to the University are reduced. You can access Google drive through Google Apps.

For advice about how to use the University’s dropbox service, please see these instructions. For more advice on transferring or storing University files, please see the information on the IS&T intranet pages.