Museums Sheffield launch of “Picturing Sheffield”

Tuesday 2 December, 6-8pm at the Millennium Gallery

Sheffield is one of the greenest cities in Europe and has been called the largest village in England. Yet the city has rarely been called beautiful.

Picturing Sheffield will journey through Sheffield past and present to examine the relationship between views of the city and the identity of the people who have lived and died here. From the ghosts of former landmarks to the contemporary regeneration of the city, this exhibition asks what we mean by beauty and whether it can be found in unexpected places.

Picturing Sheffield includes work by key artists from the 1700s to the present day, including JMW Turner, Joe Scarborough, Bill Brandt, Frank Constantine, Godfrey Sykes, Linda Benedict Jones and John Hoyland.

Join us at the Millennium Gallery as we celebrate the launch of the exhibition.

RSVP to Chris Harvey: / 0114 278 2664  Please feel free to bring up to 4 guests