Win tickets to see Ken Dodd (now closed)

2014 marks the 60th anniversary year of Ken Dodd’s incredible career as a professional entertainer.

He is a comedian of legendary status; an icon and national treasure who has been entertaining audiences for a lifetime of happiness and laughter. Come and enjoy his famous Happiness Show and you’ll be absolutely discumknockerated (that’s Knotty Ash for ‘over the moon’) by a truly tattifelarius (fun-filled) evening of laughter and songs presented by a comedy genius.

Eview has two tickets to give away for the performance on Sunday 16 November at 7pm at the Lyceum Theatre. To be in with a chance of winning just answer the following question and send it with all your contact details to by the closing date of Wednesday 12 November at 12pm.

Q: Which song of Ken’s sold over one million copies and saw him reach number one in the charts in September 1965?

The winner will be picked at random from all correct entries and notified on the closing date, so please ensure you give us the contact details for where you’ll be that day.

Good luck!