Your 2 Minute Update on the Transfer of Processes to Core Portal

With summer a fading memory and the new academic year upon us it would seem timely to re-cap on the changes that have taken place as we transfer key HR and Finance processes online via Core Portal.

What is the Realise Project doing?
The project is using Core Portal to transfer processes from paper based to online. So far, we’ve transferred Manager Requests (SHU52bs that informed HR of changes to a member of staff’s contract) and expenses online.

What’s happening next?
Recruitment will be transferring online next. As well as SHU’s internal processes going online, candidates will now have a much enhanced online application process.

What are the benefits?
Once you have raised something online, it will automatically be sent to the correct approvers and they will receive an email alert that they need to take action. This greatly reduces the time taken to process Manager Requests, Requisitions to Recruit and expenses; it will also save quite a few trees as no paper is involved.

You can track the progress of the items you raise online such as logging in to Core Portal to check when your expenses will be paid, or managers can check when HR have processed Manager Requests.

What happens if managers aren’t available to raise or approve the online processes, does everything get held up?
Not at all. There is a delegation process in place to ensure that everything doesn’t stop if someone is absent. This can be found here.

Expenses will automatically be sent to Finance for approval so delegation isn’t required for this module.

What support will be available to me?
We have provided User Guides and Online Video Tutorials that you can access from the comfort of your desk, as and when you need them.  We’ve also trained teams of Super Users in all the business units so that you know who to contact if you need some face to face support.

You can find all the information you need by clicking here and selecting the module you are interested in.

I’d like to learn more about Realise and/or give some feedback
Please contact the project at Realise Project