Off the Shelf event – Patrick McGuinness

Reading from his memoir Other People’s Countries, Wednesday 22 October, 5.30pm
Room 7140, Stoddart Building

Born in Tunisia in 1968, Patrick McGuinness is the author of The Last Hundred Days, which was longlisted for the 2011 Man Booker Prize, and two collections of poems. His new book, from which he will be reading at Off the Shelf, is Other People’s Countries.

Other People’s Countries is both memoir and meditation on memory: a stunning piece of lyrical writing, rich in stories and characters, full of fresh ways of looking at how we grow up and how we start to make sense of the world.

Patrick’s reading will be followed by a Q&A and book-signing. Organised by Sheffield Hallam University’s MA Writing.

Places are free but must be booked in advance.  More information is available on the Corporate Events page.