Installing the new 2014/15 software on staff PCs

From today, IS&T will start rolling out the new software for the 2014/15 academic year to staff PCs.  The package of software is known as the 2014/15 Managed Desktop and the installation is done remotely by applying a series of ‘patches’ to machines – usually overnight. The process will happen in phases.

What differences are there in the new desktop?
The software will be updated to the latest versions. These provide new features and make your workstation more secure. The biggest difference is that the default browser will be Internet Explorer 11.  This may work slightly differently with some specialist applications and web.  If this causes any problems please let ITHelp know so that we can investigate.  We can either alter how IE11 displays specific web pages or you can use an alternative browser.

How will I know when my machine has been upgraded?
For more details about how we schedule the updates and to see how to check what version of Managed Desktop you are using, please see our blog article.