Inaugural Professorial Lecture – Professor Neil Challis

Bringing mathematics to life, Tuesday 14 October, 6pm
Room 9130, Cantor Building

Strangely enough for a subject which may be seen as a cold, logical pursuit, mathematics can excite strong feelings. Mathematicians, when they admit their calling, frequently hear “I was never any good at that”, or “exactly what is the point of maths?” or, more cheeringly, “oh, you must be clever”! Professor Neil Challis has spent much of his life propagating positive responses to comments such as these, both teaching university students from a range of disciplines and participating in wider outreach events. In this lecture, he will give demonstrations and discuss evidence that may help develop some insight into mathematics as something that human beings do as they try to make sense of the world.

Places are free and include light refreshments, but must be booked in advance.  More information is available on the Corporate Events page.