Aurora leadership development initiative

Aurora is the women-only leadership development initiative launched in Autumn 2013 by the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (LFHE). The first cohort from Sheffield Hallam included 13 participants.  Their experience has been evaluated with positive outcomes and we will be running a second cohort for the 2014/15 programme.

The aims of Aurora are to enable a wider range of women in academic and professional roles within the university to think of themselves as future leaders, to develop the skills they will need, and to help Sheffield Hallam maximise the use of the skills they acquire. This innovative development process focuses on women up to senior lecturer level or professional services equivalent.

Each participant will be matched with a suitable internal mentor from Sheffield Hallam and will attend five development days, organised by the LFHE. These development days cover the subjects of “Identity, Impact and Voice”, “Power and Politics and Action Learning”, “Core Leadership Skills” and “Adaptive Leadership Skills”.  The development days not only provide the opportunity to learn and explore the subjects but also allow participants to network with women from other universities across the UK. It also provides the opportunity to meet successful women in Higher Education who are positive role models.

We are looking for applications from prospective female participants to take part in this exciting leadership development initiative.

We are looking for male or female Mentors, without whom the programme could not succeed.

We are looking for female role models to attend the development days and host a table group (only 1 day is required per role model).

View more information and the self-nomination forms on our web pages

The deadline for applications is 13th October at 5pm.

Should you have any queries regarding the programme please contact Tracey Parr on ext 6173 ( or Francesca Frascina on ext 4934 (