Your chance to volunteer at 2014 Graduation

Our 2014 UK Graduation ceremonies will take place at Sheffield City Hall from Monday 10 to Friday 21 November.

Graduation is a memorable celebration. It is the culmination of our students’ journeys, although hopefully not the end of their association with us, and recognition of the important role so many staff from across the University play in supporting those students.

Directorate staff are invited to get involved too by volunteering as door stewards at one or more of the morning and afternoon ceremonies.

If you are interested in giving a few hours of your time during this important fortnight in the University’s calendar, please sign up as soon as possible via the graduation sharepoint site  The faculty staff responsible for organising roles will be in touch to confirm your allocation.

If you want to work at a particular ceremony, please visit the graduation website where you can search for which specific courses are being celebrated on which days.

If you have any questions, please contact the Graduation Office on 0114 225 5353 or email