Stoddart shutdown – 22 August

As part of our development on Charles Street a larger power supply is to be installed in the Stoddart basement. To do this safely Stoddart Building will be closed for a five day period.

In order to minimise impact the work will take place over the August bank holiday, however to ensure the full five days the building will be closed for an additional day on Friday 22 August.

Stoddart Building will therefore close at 9pm on Thursday 21 August and reopen on Wednesday 27 August at 7.45am.

During the closure the following alternative arrangements are offered to staff based in Stoddart;

  • Work from home where possible.
  • Temporary accommodation in rooms 9309 and 9310 of Cantor Building with full network access and transferal of phone calls. If you know you would like to take up this option please contact Beth Walker on x3761.
  • Work in appropriate locations within the University.
  • An off-site away day has been arranged for all Professional Services and Technical staff so they will not need to access Stoddart.

If you are intending to be out of the office, change your voicemail and email messages to reflect this.

Should there be any issues preventing access to Stoddart on 27 August updates will be provided via the intranet and email.  Following the shutdown there should be no difference to the working environment in Stoddart. The new supply will need to be checked, but this will generally be done out of hours.

If you have any queries about the shutdown please contact Dave Holland on ext 2009.