Disabled persons’ refuges and evacuation chairs

Following a substantial investment at both Campuses, every building (that has access to upper floors via a lift or from an adjacent building) has been equipped with disabled persons’ refuges and evacuation chairs.

The refuges have 2-way communication systems which allow anyone using the refuge to communicate with Security to inform them of their location (in some cases the communication is likely to be with a fire marshal or other member of staff).

These refuges are located on staircase landings, in lift lobbies or locations protected by fire doors close to an escape staircase.  During false alarms staff using the refuge will be asked to remain there until the alarm has been silenced.

Evacuation chairs are for people who cannot use stairs without assistance.  The chairs are usually located at the top, or bottom of escape staircases.  All security personnel are trained to operate these chairs.  These evacuation chairs are only to be used in emergencies and must only be operated by trained members of staff.