Upper Collegiate Area – Network Outage

A scheduled service outage will take place in the following buildings on Wednesday 6 August between 6pm and 10pm

  • Southbourne & White House
  • The Lodge
  • Chestnut Court
  • Willow Hall
  • Parkholme
  • Montgomery House
  • The Mews
  • Mundella House
  • College House
  • Mercury House
  • Broomgrove Teaching
  • Oak Lodge
  • Nursery

The work will not affect services in other areas of the University

What will the impact be?
These services will not be available from 6pm until 10 pm on Wednesday 6 August

  • Wired and wireless network services
  • Printing and AV services in the units
  • VoIP Telephony services

What is being done and why?
This work is being performed as part of a standard 7 year hardware life-cycle management process, to ensure the University’s network has the capacity to meet future requirements. The timing of the work is being driven by the timetable for the Heart of the Campus project, as the change will be the first step in supplying network services to the new building.

For more information, please read our blog post or see our FAQs.