Switch It Off Savings

The holiday period is upon us where many members of SHU staff are away from the University. We are refreshing our Switch It Off campaign to kindly remind all staff to turn their equipment off before leaving the office.

The Sustainability Team has calculated that the cost of PC monitors and system units being left on out of hours (out of 7am-7pm) last year was a total of £12,000 and 95 tonnes of CO2. However, in the recent months we have been making great progress and have seen a decrease in the number of PC’s left on… So let’s keep up the good effort and Switch It Off!

“Did you know that leaving your phone charger plugged in during a two week holiday, wastes enough energy to produce 14 ice cream cones?”

Please support the campaign by switching off equipment yourself and encouraging others to do the same. We need you to help us to achieve energy savings and carbon reduction to reduce our impact on the environment.

Visit the Switch it Off intranet page for more information and the campaign toolkit.