Singing lessons – special offer!

Have you always wanted to sing or improve your singing voice?

Whether you love singing in the shower, or with a band, a singing lesson can help you develop your tone, power, breathing, confidence, pitch and performance – and no more sore throat after you sing!

First lesson offers –
£8 – 15 mins taster (usually £10)
£15 – 30 mins (usually £20)
£28 – 1 hour (usually £32.50)
£100 – block of 4 lessons (usually £110)

Central lesson venue near City Hall tram stop. Flexible days and times, including lunchtimes and after work. Gift vouchers available.

For more information or to book a lesson, call Amanda on 07773 777525 or email

Jumpstart Scheme
Did you know that you may be able to access funding for your singing lessons as part of the SHU Jumpstart scheme? Visit the SHU intranet for more information on how to apply –