Control of Contractors: Access Permit Certificates

All staff bringing contractors on site should ensure they complete an access permit in advance of the contractor visit.  Any contractor found not carrying an authorised access permit will be asked to stop work.

As part of the induction the contractor will be issued with the access permit. The access permit will be issued for the period of the job, however, they can only be issued for a maximum of one month and then a new access permit will need to be provided.

There are two types of access permit:

1) The University Access Permit Certificate – This permit will be completed for the larger more complicated contract work such as FD contractors and IT Installations. It will require completing and signing, and a copy given to Security before they come on site.

2) An Email Access Permit – This permit is in the form of an easy to use table which needs to be completed by the SHU Contact when a contractor comes on site. It is then sent via email to Security. Email address is +Control Room.  A copy of the table can be accessed from the intranet site.

A copy of either access permit must be printed off or copied and given to the contractor who must have it with them on site at all times.

In circumstances e.g. emergency situations, where it has not been possible to complete the access permit in advance of the contractor arriving on site, the contractor should be taken by the relevant SHU contact to Security Control (either City Campus or Heart of the Campus Collegiate Crescent), where an Access Permit must be completed before any work can commence.

Guidance for staff regarding controlling contractors can be found at the links below: – FD Contractors and IT installations – Faculties and Directorates

If you have any queries regarding this article please contact the Health and Safety Service on ext. 4515 or