Market Intelligence

Competitor Intelligence – how you can get involved

There are many reasons why it is helpful to know what other universities are doing – benchmarking is always useful and good ideas can come from anywhere – and you can help.

Market Intelligence has set up internal (! Market Intelligence) and external ( email addresses where you can send photos or messages, about anything interesting about any other university. Adverts, mailings, radio, TV, new buildings, logos, names – anything publicly available from any other university – don’t worry about whether it is a competitor or not.

If you, a friend or relative has been going through the decision-making process about a university course, and have spare/unwanted copies of letters, flyers etc. from other universities – please don’t put them in the bin – send them in the internal mail to Market Intelligence, 4th floor, Oneleven Building or take a photo and send it to the email. Please leave the first three digits of the postcode – no contact will be made to any individuals as a result of this process.

The information gathered will help in three ways:

  1. following requests from colleagues, to provide a way for all members of the University to supply this information
  2. we will provide information to the relevant areas of the University to enable them to respond quickly and appropriately
  3. information will be aggregated and circulated to the wider University to help it remain competitive in the HE market. This can be found on the staff intranet at: