Bring your own devices for learning

Online and  face-to-face throughout the week 14 – 18 July
Face-to-face events each day between 1pm and 2pm, 9012 or 9221, Cantor

In July SHU is running this open online blended course about using smart phones and tablet PCs to enhance and transform teaching and learning. Over 5 days, to fit around your other commitments, join us in this innovative CPD activity. BYOD4L is being run in parallel with other universities. It uses social media, video scenarios, and some face-to-face peer enhanced activities here at SHU. BYOD4L focusses on:

  • Connecting
  • Communicating
  • Curating
  • Collaborating
  • Creating

On Tuesday 15 July we are planning a BYOD4L Smart Walk – a social media treasure hunt of sorts! Convene Main Entrance, City Campus at 11am. Further details of this and other workshops exploring how smart and social media are being used will be announced soon at the BYOD4L website and the CPD at SHU website. Visit our website for more details or contact Andrew Middleton or Sue Beckingham @ SHU for more information.

In January 2014 BYOD4L attracted global attention and participation, being nominated for a national e-learning award.