Realise Project: expense claims transferring online

The next stage of the Realise Phase 2 project will see  staff with a SHU log in claim their personal expenses online using Core Portal. (NB, this does not apply to EEs, SVLs and PhD students,  who will continue to submit claims using the current paperwork).

A key benefit of using Core Portal to submit your expenses will be that you will be able to view the progress of your claim online, so no more guessing when your claim will be paid.

You can also send your receipts via the Core Portal, and unless your area needs to retain original receipts for specific purposes; you will no longer need to keep your original receipts.

Some stakeholders have told us that they would prefer to send their original receipts to finance by the internal mail and this is fine too.

We will transfer expense claims online in July, so please look out for an e mail that will provide links to all the information you will need to do this.

If you would like to see a demonstration of the new way of claiming, please contact finance or ext. 4977.