Progress on IT preparations for start of year

Teaching software
Thank you to all subject group leaders who have fed back on the provisional software list for start of teaching. The software replacement team in IS&T is making updates in the light of your comments and starting to package the software for deployment. Next week, we will issue the confirmed list of what will be installed in each room in time for the start of the academic year.

Managed Desktop software
The Managed Desktop (which includes the standard suite of software installed on staff and student PCs around the University) will also be updated over the summer and the new 2014-15 version is currently being tested in IS&T. The major changes are the upgrades to Internet Explorer 11 and Java 1.7 which have been requested for teaching and learning and to improve the student experience.   We are still liaising with our suppliers to resolve issues which have been discovered because we need to make sure our corporate systems will continue to function correctly with the new versions. We expect to release the updated Managed Desktop shortly so that it can be installed in teaching labs and on student PCs as scheduled. Staff will have it deployed to their machines over the summer. You will know when your PC has been upgraded because a message will pop up at log in to tell you.

To receive regular updates about IT preparations for the start of year, you can subscribe to IS&T News.  For more information about our software request process, please see our FAQs.