Take Le Tour for Work out at Work day

The physiotherapy team from Faculty of Health and Wellbeing are running an event on Friday 6 June 2014 for national Workout at Work day – a national event bring promoted by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. The aim is promote physiotherapy and to highlight the importance of integrating physical activity into our working day.

This year’s event will be Tour de France-themed. Staff are being invited to take a 15 minute turn on a static bike in the main entrance of the Robert Winston building, Collegiate campus. Together, they are aiming to cover the distance of Stage 1 of the Tour.

Staff can be involved by pedalling for 15 minutes. This is a great opportunity to integrate a little exercise in the working day and members of the physiotherapy team will be available to talk to or provide information about activity in the workplace, ergonomics and the University’s physiotherapy Services.

The event is running from 9am until 2pm. To choose a time slot for your bike ride, visit http://doodle.com/5u7d3ytcvxwngqam