Emergency Telephone Numbers

This is a reminder of the telephone numbers that should be used in an emergency.

If you have access to an internal telephone the number to dial is 888.
The call will go through to Security Control at City Campus, which is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
This is the number that you should use to:
• Request an ambulance or first aid support
• To report a fire
• If you feel threatened (Note – you can dial 888 and leave the handset off. If you are not able to speak to Security, they will know that there is a problem and will be able to find you – BUT to enable them to do this it is important that you inform the Telecommunications Operations Officer on 2061 if you move location.)
• When you need any other emergency assistance.

If you do not have access to an internal telephone the number to dial is (0114) 2252888.

Again, the call will go through to the emergency telephone in Security Control.
As most people now carry a mobile telephone and emergencies can happen at any time, it is recommended that members of staff (and students) store 0114 2252888 in their telephone contact lists.

If you have an emergency situation and someone summons the emergency services via 999, Security must be informed as soon as possible so that they are aware of the situation and can offer assistance, as necessary.

Please note that the above numbers must not be used for non-emergencies. If you need to contact Security for anything other than an emergency you should use 2000 (internal) or (0114) 2252000 (external).

If you have any queries regarding this article please contact the Health and Safety Service on ext. 4515 or https://staff.shu.ac.uk/healthandsafety/