Towards universal health: breaking boundaries to reduce health inequalities for mothers and babies
Tuesday 17 June, arrive at 5.30 for a 6pm start
Room F518 Robert Winston Building, Collegiate Campus
Improving maternity care and saving the lives of mothers and babies are among the top eight global Millennium Development Goals.
Despite considerable improvements since 1990, these goals are yet to be achieved consistently worldwide. Nutrition in particular is a modifiable factor; both obesity and undernutrition have serious short-term consequences for pregnancy and birth, as well as long-term public health implications through fetal programming (epitomised in the “fetal origin of adult disease” theory).
Reflecting on her research journey, Professor Soltani’s lecture will focus on theinteraction of significant contributing factors to maternal and infant health, such asnutrition, postpartum haemorrhage (the leading cause of maternal death), preterm birth and specialised care provision.
Places are free and include light refreshments, but must be booked in advance.