The Cherry Orchard at the Lantern Theatre

Tickets are on sale to see The Cherry Orchard at the Lantern theatre in Nether Edge between 5 – 15 March.

Considered by many to be his greatest work, The Cherry Orchard is a beautiful and inspiring play by Anton Chekhov.

Madame Ranyevskaya returns to the family estate after spending many years in Paris. Her joy to be home again hides the truth; that she is now almost bankrupt. Ranyevskaya refuses to face her present financial situation and the possibility of losing her beloved Cherry Orchard estate. She lingers firmly in the past, deluding both herself and her family.  She decides , with her brother Leonid Gayev’s agreement, to reject the solution of a family friend and entrepreneur, Yermolai Lopakhin. It’s a proposal that could save the family estate, but at an emotional cost. In refusing this recommendation, they seal the fate of their beloved Cherry Orchard paying the ultimate price for their sentiment.

Tickets are £10 and can be ordered from For more information email