Rebuilding the Iraqi health care system

Ambassador NooriEducation provided by Sheffield Hallam University to senior, Iraqi medical leaders and physicists will have a major impact on helping to rebuild their country’s health care system, the Iraqi ambassador for the UK has said.

His Excellency, Ambassador Zaid Noori the Consul General of the Republic of Iraq met with 40 Iraqi medical professionals who have been studying at the University and presented certificates to the cohort to celebrate the completion of their courses.

As part of a project run by Sheffield Hallam in conjunction with the Iraq Ministry of Health, doctors, nurses, physicists, dentists and pharmacists from Baghdad have travelled to Sheffield to learn about British healthcare, gaining hands-on experience in areas such as oncology, radiotherapy, cardiology, intensive care, renal, trauma and paediatric care.

Since the project launched in 2012, the University has welcomed 139 Iraqi healthcare professionals through its doors, all of whom are keen to take away valuable skills.

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