Sheffield & the First World War

Tuesday 18 February, 6-8pm
Weston Park Museum

2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War, a conflict which impacted on millions of people all over the world. As museums around the UK mark the centenary, we launch a new exhibition which explores Sheffield’s experience of a global tragedy.

Sheffield & the First World War draws on the first hand experiences of Sheffield’s people, both at home and on military service, and tells their stories through objects and documents from the city’s collections. From poignant personal possessions, to mementoes brought back to Sheffield from the front, the exhibition will illustrate the very local and personal impact of the war to end all wars.

We’d be delighted if you could join us as we commemorate the centenary and launch this important new exhibition.  Please RSVP to – guests welcome.  More information is available at