Museums Sheffield exhibitions – Pole Position and Printing Sheffield

Museums Sheffield is thrilled to welcome in 2014 with two brand new exhibitions at the Graves and Millennium galleries.

Pole Position: Polish Art in Britain 1939-1989 is drawn from the private collection of Matthew Bateson. Telling the unsung story of Polish émigré artists working in Britain from the Second World War, this exhibition complements Sheffield’s own 20th century art collection and features many works never seen before in public. Join us from 6pm for an exclusive talk and tour of Pole Position with John Russell Taylor, author and art critic for the Times newspaper.

Printing Sheffield recognises the city’s vibrant contemporary printmaking scene. Featuring works by Jo Peel, James Green, Phlegm, Florence Blanchard, Kid Acne and many more, this show gives a colourful snapshot of Sheffield’s diverse printmaking community.

We would love you to join us as we launch both exhibitions on Wednesday 29 January. Pole Position will open at the Graves Gallery from 6pm, followed by Printing Sheffield at the Millennium Gallery from 7pm. Hope to see you there!

Please RSVP to – guests welcome.  More information is available at