Slips, trips and falls – winter reminder

Slips and trips are the most common cause of accidents at work. They can occur indoors and outside and typically account for an average of one-third of all accidents.  In 95% of serious slip accidents there are broken bones. On average slips and trips are responsible for:

• Two fatalities a year
• A cost to employers of £512 million per year (lost production and other costs)
• 50% of all accidents to members of the public (Source: Health and Safety Executive)

It should be remembered that a slip, trip or fall accident can happen to anyone in the University and everyone should remain vigilant when moving about the campuses.

This is particularly important at this time of year when external floor surfaces may be covered with frost, snow or ice and building entrances can be wet and possibly slippery. External steps could be particularly hazardous.

Please take care – particularly when outside. Also, if you become aware of a hazard that may result in someone having a slip, trip or fall accident it is important that you remove or report the hazard as soon as possible.

More information about slips, trips and falls is available at: