Lone Working guidance

Lone working may be defined as any work activity which is intended to be carried out in isolation from other workers by an individual or a small team of people. The work activity should normally last for some time.

Lone working can take place when people:

  • work as individuals at a fixed site, e.g. in a shop
  • are separate from others, e.g. in warehouses or automated plants
  • work away from their base or at remote locations, e.g. construction workers, maintenance, repair and cleaning workers
  • work at home
  • work outside normal hours, e.g. cleaners or security staff
  • travel as part of their work, e.g. sales staff or delivery workers

Hazards which lone workers can encounter are:

  • accidents or emergencies arising out of the work including inadequate provision of first aid
  • sudden illnesses
  • inadequate provision of rest, hygiene and welfare facilities
  • violence from members of the public

It is the responsibility of local management to ensure that appropriate risk assessments have been carried out and that lone working staff have been alerted to the possible dangers and that adequate controls are in place.  For further information please use the following link:  https://staff.shu.ac.uk/HealthandSafety/LoneWorking.asp

Immediate Emergency Assistance within the University:
If you are in need of emergency assistance, simply dial 888 on your telephone, keeping the handset off its hook.  If you are able to talk, please do so, alternatively, Security Control staff will be able to locate you from you extension number.

The 888 facility is available for your safety, please do not abuse it.