How to support your child or a friend in applying to University

Applying to University is one of the biggest decisions someone will make, particularly a young person, however for many parents and carers being able to provide appropriate support through this can be difficult if they have never been through the application to University process themselves, or if they did, was some years ago.

Pre-enrolment Services  and Market Intelligence have designed a series of information sessions for staff, teachers and parents who may have children, care for children or have family members or friends about to go through the application process (typically for children in Year 12 or 13) and would like to know more.

The first series of sessions were held last year, and are to be repeated this year following a similar format.  The sessions are as follows:

  • Admissions to HE and Open Days – 20/11/13 – 5.00pm
  • The Practical side of Student Finance – 19/02/14
  • Results day & what next? – 14/05/13

The first session focuses on the process of applying to university, explaining tariff tables, the personal statement, and UCAS deadlines, as well as advice on what to consider when choosing a course and university.

If you would like to attend the session or to find out more, please contact Kendra York before November 18th 2013.

If you have any promotional materials from other universities which you have now finished with, please bring them along to the session – Market Intelligence are always interested in your experience of other institutions, to understand and improve the application process for our future students.