Financial year end – important information

19 June

What’s happening?

The financial year end is coming which means that right now the staff in finance are stocking up on their vitamins and energy drinks as they prepare to move in to overdrive to chase up and process your outstanding documentation.

Boring (but important) statement about the Annual Accounts

It is a statutory requirement that the University produces Annual Accounts up to 31 July every year.  The information in the accounts must accurately reflect the financial position of the University at this date which means that all outstanding transactions must be processed in the current financial year.

What’s this got to do with me?

  • Have you got finance forms gathering dust on your desk that you’ve been meaning to post?  Send them to us!
  • Do you need to pay money in to cashiers?  Do it!
  • Have you received stuff that you’ve ordered?  Tell us!
  • Do you need to bill someone for work you have done for them? Do it!  They owe the University money!

I’ll help you!  Is there a deadline?

Yes, but there’s more than one!  Check below to see what we need you to do and by when.  We’ve also attached a handy excel summary (we love our spreadsheets in finance).

Cheques / cash

Deadline – 30 July (3.30pm)

Pay your cheques and cash in to the cashiers’ office by 30 July (make sure you’ve receipted it on an income received pad or receipt book though or we’ll have to decline it).  Petty cash must also be collected by this date.

Expenses, balance of advances and payment requests

Deadline – 24 July (5pm)

Expense claims with receipts (unless mileage) and payment request forms (for ad hoc payments) should be sent to us by 24 July.  Additionally, if you have had a staff advance of expenses you must ensure that the balance of advance (the fabulous task of figuring out what you’ve spent against what you were advanced) with receipts is also with us by this date.

Pay claims (SHU9s, Associate Lecturer claims, Overtime claims)

Deadline – 25 July

No change here!  The deadline for paperwork is 25 July as usual, for payment on 18 August.  Any claims that are received for work done to 31 July will be logged so that costs will be reflected in 2012/13.

Purchase cards

Deadline – 29 July

First of all, can you remember your Spendvision password?!  If not, reset that asap to ensure that you can login to update and authorise your transactions in Spendvision by 29 July.  Transactions authorised by midnight will be reflected in the 2012/13 accounts.

Purchase order requisitions – Have you received your stuff?

Deadline – 31 July (3pm)

If you’ve ordered something using a purchase order requisition (the green excel spreadsheet or the online system) and have received your stuff you need to tell us by 31 July.  If it’s coming after 31 July we’re not interested!  Well, we are, but not just yet.  Telling us you have received your stuff means that the cost of the goods/services will come out of your 2012/13 budget and will be accurately reflected in the accounts.

Sales invoices

Deadline – 30 July (5pm)

Do you need to bill an external customer for work or services you have provided?  Do it before 30 July!  Your sales invoice requests must only be for work/services you have provided up to 31 July.