The value of apprenticeships

In the year 1088, the Commune of Bologna ran into one of its periodic rows with the Catholic Church. It opted (never a cheap solution) to invite a group of leading lawyers to Bologna to provide commentaries on the ancient Codices of Roman Law for the commune (consultancy). Their work provided the basis for the…

Vlog – revisiting our Strategy

My update this week takes the form of a short video blog, rather than a written post. No spoilers here, but it’s me answering five questions about refreshing the University Strategy and my ambitions for us as a University:  

Practical solutions to real world problems

This is the third of my blogs which is drawn from my all-staff addresses earlier in February. It sets out my first thoughts – with more to come – on shaping the University in response to the challenges I set out in the previous two blogs. A Vice-Chancellor’s job is essentially simple: it is to…

The changing world for universities

This is the second of three blogs from my opening address to Hallam staff. In it I set out some of the challenges the University faces. Universities may be becoming more and more important in economies, society and culture. But there’s a price: as they do, expectations and demands on them become greater. We can…

First impressions

In the first week of February I spoke to staff audiences across the University to set out my impressions and first thoughts. Over the coming weeks, I will set those out in three blog posts. There has never been a time in the history of the world when universities have meant more to more people than…

Sunday best

University admissions are changing – and at a phenomenal pace. Universities have always been competitive about admissions, and there has always been a mixed and complicated relationship between recruitment and selection. But in the last few years the pace has quickened. Students have been required to meet more and more of the direct costs of…

Sheffield Hallam, the city and the world

Universities are simultaneously intensely local and expansively global. They are shaped by their communities, and they shape their communities: without their universities, Oxford, or Cambridge, or Boston, or Heidelberg are unimaginable. The first thing you see as you emerge from Sheffield station is Sheffield Hallam University. One of the ways in which universities shape their…

On shaping a script

There’s no script for being a new Vice-Chancellor. In fact, what is clear is that you enter midway through someone else’s script – and a script with many authors. If you’re lucky they hand you a copy as they leave the stage.  Given that I have taken the stage in January this means that I arrive…

On being new

Something over thirty years ago, in my first job, I remember asking a colleague how some particular process or other should work. “Oh, don’t worry,” she said, “it’s just the same as last year”. It was no doubt well-meant, but it’s obviously not a very helpful thing to say to someone who is new. In…