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National Coming Out Day 2015

9 Oct

Guest Post from Tom Reaney SIGNAL’s communications officer   What is it?  National Coming Out Day is an internationally recognised day to celebrate LGBT+ individuals and their “coming out” stories. “Coming out’ is essentially that tipping point of openness and disclosure – be it widely and publicly, or local and intimately – at which a person […]

World Mental Health Day 10 October 2015

6 Oct

  World Mental Health Day is the annual global celebration of mental health education, awareness and advocacy. Every year – on 10 October – we join together in shining the spotlight on a particular aspect of mental ill health. The theme for 2015 is Dignity in Mental Health. To mark this year’s day Sheffield Hallam […]

Bi Visibility Day 2015 – Wednesday 23 September

23 Sep

There’s a whole day dedicated to raising awareness of the issues and stigma still faced by bisexual people. But what is it, and why is it needed? Bisexuality is still widely misunderstood, misrepresented and stigmatised. Bisexual people are too often perceived as uncertain, confused or simply ‘greedy’. These offensive myths are often perpetuated to such […]

Nightline – a student volunteer’s experience

21 Aug

A Sheffield Hallam student writes about her experience volunteering for Nightline Sheffield Nightline is a welfare service providing support and information to the students at Sheffield Hallam and the University of Sheffield during the night. There are three different ways you can get in touch with us so there is something to suit everyone! You […]

Think like a man

14 Aug

Have you seen this recent Bic advert? What do you think about it? Here is one academic’s view: