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Why independent living gave birth to the social model and the civil rights campaign

8 Dec

November saw the twentieth anniversary of disability anti-discrimination legislation in Britain. To mark this anniversary the UK charity Scope highlights the challenges faced and successes gained over the past 20 years and shines the spotlight on the struggles and victories campaigners experienced on the continuing journey towards equality for disabled people.  Follow the link to Scope’s […]

UK Disabilty History Month 22 November – 22 December

2 Dec

Guest post by Emma Hanlon, final year Forensic Science student We’ll be featuring a number of guest posts to mark UK Disability History Month – here’s our first. Before coming to Sheffield Hallam I had personal experience of how difficult obtaining support in the work place and education system can be due to a disability. […]

World Mental Health Day 10 October 2015

6 Oct

  World Mental Health Day is the annual global celebration of mental health education, awareness and advocacy. Every year – on 10 October – we join together in shining the spotlight on a particular aspect of mental ill health. The theme for 2015 is Dignity in Mental Health. To mark this year’s day Sheffield Hallam […]

Top tips for students starting university with a disability

30 Sep

Guardian article Going away to university for the first time can be daunting for everyone. But if you also have a disability and are leaving home, there can be additional factors to get nervous about – so it’s worth taking a little extra time to prepare.

End the Awkward

30 Jul

Guest post from Ronnie Murray on Scope, who is group head chef at Mark Hix’s London restaurants and has a shortened left arm. He’s backing Scope’s End the Awkward campaign, and stars in their new awkward moments film.