The life of a woman..
It had been a cold winter’s night, Jyoti had been travelling back home from her trip to the cinema. Little did she know this would be the last time she would take the bus back home, the last time she could enjoy a movie with her friends.
As she waited for her bus to arrive, she had noticed 5 other passengers, all young men. The doors closed behind her; trapped.
The past hour states how sickening the world is towards women. Jyoti Singh had been raped by all men within the bus, including the driver himself. She and her fellow friend had been left on the road side in the dusk of night and had later passed away, with her dreams of attending medical school with her.
This short description states how women, till this day, are seen as ‘objects’. This HATE CRIME TOWARDS THE FEMALE GENDER MUST END ! No- one should deserve to die like this. It is important for us to end hate crime towards women and hopefully this insight of Jyoti’s story may impact many to begin to treat women equally..
BY: Natasha Janagol