Linguistic Politeness Research Group members’ publications (last updated March 2019). Please email if you would like to be featured here.

Angouri, Jo, and Miriam A. Locher. 2012. “Theorising disagreement.” Journal of Pragmatics no. 44 (12):1549-1553.

Angouri, Jo, and Miriam A. Locher (eds). 2012. Special issue on ‘Theorising disagreement’ in the Journal of Pragmatics 44 (12).

Arundale, Robert B. 1999. “An Alternative Model and Ideology of Communication for an Alternative to Politeness Theory.” Pragmatics 9(1):119-53.

Arundale, Robert B. 2006. “Face as Relational and Interactional: A Communication Framework for Research on Face, Facework, and Politeness.” Journal of Politeness Research 2(2):193-216.

Arundale, Robert B. 2009. “Face as Emergent in Interpersonal Communication: An Alternative to Goffman.” In Face, Communication, and Social Interaction, edited by Francesca Bargiella-Chiappini and Michael Haugh, 33-54. London: Equinox.

Arundale, Robert B. 2010a. “Constituting Face in Conversation: Face, facework, and Interactional Achievement.” Journal of Pragmatics 42(8):2078-105.

Arundale, Robert B. 2010b. “Relating.” In Interpersonal Pragmatics, Vol. 6, Handbooks of Pragmatics, edited by Miriam A. Locher and Sage L. Graham, 137-65. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

Arundale, Robert B. 2013a. “Face as a Research Focus in Interpersonal Pragmatics: Relational and Emic Perspectives.” Journal of Pragmatics 58(1):108-20.

Arundale, Robert B. 2013b. “Face, Relating, and Dialectics: A Response to Spencer-Oatey.” Journal of Pragmatics 58(1):138-51.

Arundale, Robert B. 2013c. “Is Face the Best Metaphor?/¿Es Imagen Social la Mejor Metáfora?” Sociocultural Pragmatics 1(2):282-97.

Arundale, Robert B. 2015. “Face Constituting Theory.” In The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction, edited by Karen Tracy, Cornelia Ilie, and Todd Sandell, 589-599. Boston, MA: Wiley.

Bajri, I. (2008). Appropriateness of the speech act of complaint as performed by male and female Saudi EFL learners. Gezira Journal of Educational Sciences and Humanities 5 (1): 1-44.

Bajri, I. (2016). Discourse analysis on significant usage of vague language in Edward Albee’s The Zoo Story. International Journal of English Language Teaching Vol.4, No.3, pp.34-48.

Bargiela-Chiappini, F. and D. Kadar (eds) 2010 Politeness Across Cultures. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Bargiela-Chiappini, Fand Kadar D.(eds) (2010) Institutional Politeness in (South) East Asia. Special Issue of the Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 20/2.

Bargiela-Chiappini, F. and M. Haugh (eds) 2009 Face, Communication and Social InteractionLondon: Equinox.

Bolander, Brook, & Locher, Miriam A. (2017). Conflictual and consensual disagreement. In C. R. Hoffmann & W. Bublitz (Eds.), Pragmatics of Social Media (pp. 605-630). Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter Mouton.

van der Bom, I and Grainger, K. (2015)’Introduction’, 10th Anniversary Special Issue of the Journal of Politeness Research, 11.2.

Bou Franch, Patricia & Garcés Conejos, Pilar (1995) “La presentación de la imagen en conversaciones entre hablantes nativas y no nativas de inglés.” Pragmalingüística 2: 37-61.

Bou Franch, Patricia & Garcés Conejos, Pilar (2003) “Teaching Linguistic Politeness: A Methodological Proposal.” International Review of Applied Linguistics 41:1, 1-22.

Bou Franch, Patricia & Lorenzo-Dus, Nuria (2008) “Natural versus elicited data in cross-cultural speech act realisation: The case of requests in Peninsular Spanish and British English”. Spanish in Context 5(2): 246-277.

Bou Franch, Patricia (2006) “Solidarity and deference in computer-mediated communication: a discourse-pragmatic analysis of students’ emails to lecturers.” In P. Bou-Franch (ed) Ways into discourse. Granada: Comares.

Bou Franch, Patricia (2011) “Openings and closings in Spanish email conversations.” Journal of Pragmatics 43: 1772-1785.

Bou-Franch, Patricia & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, Pilar (2014). Conflict management in massive polylogues: A case study from YouTube. Journal of Pragmatics 73, 19-36.

Bou-Franch, Patricia (in press). The genre of web-mediated service encounters in not-for-profit organizations: Cross-cultural study. In Hernández-López, M. & Fernández Amaya, L. (Eds) A Multidisciplinary Approach to Service Encounters. Brill.

Bousfield,D. (2008) Impoliteness in Interaction: 167 (Pragmatics & Beyond)John Benjamins.

Bousfield,D. and M. Locher, 2008 (eds) Impoliteness in Language: Studies on Its Interplay with Power in Theory and Practice (Language, Power & Social Process)Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Chodorowska-Pilch M. 2011 “Tratamiento informal y formal en las imágenes publicitarias.” Publicidad y cortesía. 49- 62, ed. by S. Alcoba & D. Poch, Ariel, 2011.

Chodorowska-Pilch M 2004 “The Conditional: A grammaticalized marker of politeness in Spanish.” Current Trends in the Pragmatics of Spanish, 57-75, ed. by R. Márquez Reiter & M. E. Placencia, John Benjamins,

Chodorowska-Pilch M 2003 “Politeness: a metaphor grounded in metonymy.” Interaction and Cognition in Linguistics, 211- 222, ed. by Carlos Inchaurralde & Celia Florén, Hamburg: Peter Lang, 2003.

Chodorowska-Pilch M 2002 “Las ofertas y la cortesía en español peninsular”. Actos de habla y cortesía en español, 21-36, ed. by M. E. Placencia & D. Bravo, Munich: Lincom Europa, 2002.

Chodorowska-Pilch M 2001 “Si quieres como marcador gramaticalizado de cortesía.” Quaderns de Filologia. Estudis Lingüístics VI: La pragmática de los conectores y las partículas modales, 81-92, ed. by Hang Ferrer & Salvador Pons, Valencia: Universitat de València, 2001.

Chodorowska-Pilch M 2010“La codificación de la imagen positiva y negativa a través de los marcadores: ¿me entiendes?, vamos y verás”. Español Actual 94: 77-89, 2010.

Chodorowska-Pilch M 2008 “Verás in Peninsular Spanish as a grammaticalized discourse marker invoking positive and negative politeness”. Journal of Pragmatics 40/8: 1357-1372, 2008.

Coupland N., Grainger K., and Coupland J. (1988) ‘Politeness in context:  Intergenerational issues’, Review of P Brown and S C Levinson (1987) Politeness:  Some Universals in Language Usage, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Language in Society 17, 253-262.

Culpeper, Jonathan (1996) Towards an anatomy of impoliteness, Journal of Pragmatics 25: 349-67.

Culpeper, Jonathan (1998) (Im)politeness in drama. In: Mick Short, Jonathan Culpeper and Peter Verdonk (eds.) Studying Drama: From Text to Context. London: Routledge, 83-95.

Culpeper, Jonathan (2005) Impoliteness and entertainment in the television quiz show: The Weakest Link, Journal of Politeness Research 1: 35-72.

Culpeper, Jonathan (2008) Reflections on impoliteness, relational work and power. In Derek Bousfield and Miriam Locher (eds.) Impoliteness in Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 17-44.

Culpeper, Jonathan (2009) Politeness in interaction. In: Jonathan Culpeper, Francis Katamba, Paul Kerswill,Ruth Wodak and Tony McEnery (eds.) English Language: Description, Variation and Context. London: Palgrave, 523-35.

Culpeper, Jonathan (2009) The Metalanguage of impoliteness: Explorations in the Oxford English Corpus. In: Paul Baker (ed.) Contemporary Corpus Linguistics. London: Continuum, 64-86.

Culpeper, Jonathan (2010) Conventionalized impoliteness formulae, Journal of Pragmatics 42: 3232-3245.

Culpeper, Jonathan (2011) Impoliteness: Using Language to Cause Offence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Culpeper, Jonathan (2011) Politeness and impoliteness. In: Karin Aijmer and Gisle Andersen (eds.) Sociopragmatics, Volume 5 of Handbooks of Pragmaticsedited by Wolfram Bublitz, Andreas H. Jucker and Klaus P. Schneider. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 391-436.

Culpeper, Jonathan (2012) (Im)politeness: Three issues. Journal of Pragmatics, 44: 1128-1133.

Culpeper, Jonathan (in press, 2014) Impoliteness strategies. In: Alessandro Capone and Jacob L. Mey (eds.) Interdisciplinary Studies in Pragmatics, Culture and Society. Springer.

Culpeper, Jonathan and Dániel Kádár (2010) Historical (Im)Politeness Research. Studies in Language and Communication, Vol. 65. Bern: Peter Lang.

Culpeper, Jonathan and Dawn Archer (2008) Requests and directness in Early Modern English trial proceedings and play-texts, 1640-1760. In: Andreas H. Jucker and Irma Taavitsainen (eds). Speech Acts in the History of English, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 45-84.

Culpeper, Jonathan and Jane Demmen (2011) Nineteenth-century English politeness: Negative politeness, conventional indirect requests and the rise of the individual self. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 12(1/2): 49-81.

Culpeper, Jonathan, Bousfield, Derek and Anne Wichmann (2003) Impoliteness revisited: With special reference to dynamic and prosodic aspects, Journal of Pragmatics 35: 1545-1579.

Culpeper, Jonathan, Marti, Leyla, Mei, Meilian, Nevala, Minna and Gila Schauer (2010) Cross-cultural variation in the perception of impoliteness: A study of impoliteness events reported by students in England, China, Finland, Germany and Turkey, Intercultural Pragmatics 7-4: 597–624.

Culpeper, Jonathan, Shauer, Gila, Marti, Leyla, Mei, Meilian and Minna Nevala (in press, 2014) Impoliteness and emotions in a cross-cultural perspective. SPELL: Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature.

Davies, Bethan, Michael Haugh and Andrew John Merrison (eds.) (2011) Situated Politeness. Continuum, London.

Dickey, E. (2015) “How to say ‘please’ in post-Classical Latin: Fronto and the importance of archaism.” Journal of Latin Linguistics 14: 17-31.

Dickey, E., ‘How to say “please” in Classical Latin’, Classical Quarterly 62 (2012): 731–48 (

Dickey, E., ‘The rules of politeness and Latin request formulae’, in P. Probert and A. Willi (edd.), Laws and Rules in Indo-European (Oxford University Press 2012) 313–28.

Dickey, E., ‘Forms of Address and Markers of Status’, in E. Bakker (ed.), A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language (Blackwell 2010) 327–37.

Dickey, E., ‘Latin Influence and Greek Request Formulae’, in T.V. Evans and D. Obbink (edd.), The Language of the Papyri (Oxford University Press 2009) 208–20.

Dickey, E., ‘The Use of Latin sis as a focus-marking clitic particle’, Oxford University Working Papers in Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics 11: 21–5 ( [This one is relevant because sis is often translated ‘please’ in English and thought to be a polite form; in this piece I demonstrate that synchronically it is not polite in extant Latin literature, though no doubt it was at an earlier period.]

Dickey, E., ‘The Greek Address System of the Roman Period and its Relationship to Latin’, Classical Quarterly 54 (2004): 494–527.

Dickey, E., ‘Literal and Extended use of Kinship Terms in Documentary Papyri’, Mnemosyne 57 (2004) 131–76. [This one is relevant because some of the ‘extended’ uses are politeness devices.]

Dickey, E., ‘Kyrie, Despota, Domine: Greek Politeness in the Roman Empire’, Journal of Hellenic Studies 121 (2001): 1–11. Copies of all these pieces can be downloaded from

Fukushima, S. (2000) Requests and Culture: Politeness in British English and Japanese Peter Lang.

Garcés-Conejos, P. (1993).La ira y la cortesía: codificación lingüística del cambio social en el teatro inglés de los años 60 (Anger and Politeness: Linguistic Encoding of Social Change in the English Theatre of the 60’s). Valencia (Spain): University of Valencia Press.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (Guest editor). (2013). Special issue – The interconnections between face and identity. Journal of Politeness Research 9, 1.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (Guest editor) (2010) Special Issue- Impoliteness across cultures. Intercultural Pragmatics 7, 4.

Garcés-Conejos, Blitvich, P. and Lorenzo-Dus, N. (2013). ‘GET INVOLVED!: Community and conversation in the 2008 Obama presidential e-campaign, In M. Ekstrom & A. Tolson (Eds.). Democracy in deficit? Media talk and political elections in Europe and America. Palgrave Macmillan.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P & Lorenzo-Dus, N. (2013). The discourse of reality TV. In N. Lorenzo-Dus & P. Garcés-Conejos Blitvich (Eds.).Real talk: Reality television and discourse analysis in action. Palgrave Macmillan.

Garcés-Conejos, Blitvich, P.& Lorenzo-Dus, N, Bou-Franch, P. (2013).“Relational work in anonymous, asynchronous communication: A study of (dis)affiliation on YouTube” In I. Kecskes & J. Romero-Trillo (Eds.).Linguistic aspects of intercultural pragmatics. (pp. 343-365).Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2013). El modelo del género y la des/cortesía clasificatoria en las evaluaciones de Sálvame por parte de la audiencia (Genre and classificatory im/politeness in assessments of Sálvame). In Catalina Fuentes (ed.) (Des)cortesía para el espectáculo; Estudios de pragmática variacionista (pp. 167-196). Madrid: Arco Libros.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2012). “Politics, “lies” and YouTube: A genre approach to assessments of im/politeness on Obama’s 9/9/2009 presidential address”. In L. Fernández-Amaya et al (Eds.). New perspectives on (im)politeness and interpersonal communication (pp. 62-90). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2010).“The YouTubification of politics, impoliteness and polarization”. In R. Taiwo (Ed.) Handbook of research on discourse behavior and digital communication: Language Structures and Social Interaction (pp. 540-563). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2008). “Selling and gender: rapport building strategies used by American TV shopping networks’ hosts”. In J. Santaemilia & P. Bou-Franch (Eds). Gender and sexual identities in transition: Cross-cultural perspectives. (pp. 144-179). Newcastle: UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. and Bou-Franch, P. (2008). “Cortesía en las páginas web interactivas: el comercio electrónico” (Politeness in commercial web sites) In A. Briz-Gómez et al (Eds.) Cortesía y conversación de lo escrito a lo oral. (pp. 468-488) University of Valencia Press – EDICE Publishings.

Garcés-Conejos, P. (2003). “Production, interpretation and garden path utterances in Advertising”. In C. Inchauralde & C. Florén (Eds.), Interaction and cognition in linguistics. (pp. 135-145). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Garcés-Conejos, P. (2001). “The teaching of pragmatics in the EFL/ESL classroom: Critical review”. In H. Ferrer, B. et al. (Eds.), The Teaching of English in Spanish Settings. (pp. 79-95). Valencia (Spain): Universidad de Valencia Press.

Garcés-Conejos, P. & Gómez Morón, R. (2001). “Intención comunicativa y forma lingüística en el discurso científico”. (Communicative Intention and Linguistic Form in Scientific Discourse) In J.C. Palmer et al (Eds.), Discourse analysis and terminology in Languages for Specific Purposes. (pp. 75-86), Castellón (Spain): Universitat Jaume I Press.

Garcés-Conejos, P. & Sánchez Macarro, A. (1998).“Scientific discourse as interaction: Scientific articles vs. popularizations”. In A. Sánchez Marcarro& R. Carter (Eds.), Linguistic choice across genres: Variation in spoken and written English. (pp.173-190). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Fernández-Amaya, L., Hernández-López, M & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (forthcoming) Spanish travelers’ expectations of service encounters in domestic and international settings. Tourism, Culture and Communication.

Bou-Franch, P. & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2014). Conflict management in massive polylogues: A case study from YouTube. Journal of Pragmatics 73, 19-36.

Dobs, Abby & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, Pilar (2013).Impoliteness in interaction: Accounting for face-threat witness’s responses. Journal of Pragmatics 53: 112-130.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2013). “Face, identity, and im/politeness: Looking backwards, moving forward – From Goffman to Practice Theory”, Journal of Politeness Research 9, 1: 1-33.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P., Lorenzo-Dus, N. & Bou-Franch, P. (2013). Identity and impoliteness: The expert in the talent show Idol. Journal of Politeness Research 9, 1: 97-120.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2010).The status quo and quo-vadis of impoliteness research. Intercultural Pragmatics 7, 4: 535–559.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P., Bou-Franch, P & Lorenzo-Dus, N. (2010). A genre-approach to im-politeness in a Spanish TV talk show: Evidence from corpus-based analysis, questionnaires and focus groups. Intercultural Pragmatics 7,4: 689–723.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P & Lorenzo-Dus, N. (2010). “On-line community organizing: Rapport and directness. A case study from the Obama presidential campaign”. Issues in Political Discourse Analysis 3, 1: 22-46.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2010). “A genre approach to the study of im-politeness”. International Review of Pragmatics2, 1: 46-94.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2009). “Impoliteness and identity in the American news media: the culture wars”. Journal of Politeness Research 5: 273-304.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. & Fortanet-Gómez, I. (2008). “The presentation of self in résumés: An intercultural approach”, English for Specific Purposes across Cultures5, 69-90.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2007). “Conference calls, the business meetings of the 21st century: a multi-layered approach to an emerging genre”, Quaderns de Filologia, 12: 57-76.

Garcés-Conejos, P. (2001). “Aspectos de la enseñanza de la pragmática o cómo enseñar a comunicarse efectivamente en una L2”. (The teaching of pragmatics : How to teach to communicate effectively in a Second Language) In A. Bruton & F. Lorenzo (Eds.), Revista de enseñanza universitaria: Perspectivas actuales en la metodología de la enseñanza del inglés en las universidades andaluzas, Extraordinario 2001, 129-149.

Garcés-Conejos P. (1995). “Revisión crítica de algunos de los postulados de la teoría de la cortesía lingüística propugnada por Brown y Levinson” (A critical review of Brown and Levinson’s Politeness Theory). Quaderns de Filologia: Stvdia Lingvistica (Aspectes de la praxi interlingüística en l’ambit europeu) 1, 43-61

Garcés-Conejos, P. & Bou Franch, P. (1994). “Estudio práctico de retórica interpersonal: Tema conversacional y cortesía lingüística en Look back in Anger y The Deep Blue Sea” (Practical study in interpersonal rhetoric: Conversational topic and linguistic politeness in Look Back in Anger & The Deep Blue Sea). Stylistica 2, 72-80.

Garcés-Conejos, P. & Fernández Cuesta, J. (1994). “The battle of Maldon y St. Edmund: Aproximación desde la teoría de la cortesía lingüística” (The Battle of Maldon & St. Edmund: A politeness-theoretic account). Miscellanea 15, 235-262.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2014). “Impoliteness and television”. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, ed. Chapelle, C.A. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Garcés Conejos, Pilar & Bou Franch, P. (2008) “Cortesía en las páginas web interactivas: el comercio electrónico” En: Briz, A., Hidalgo, A., Albelda, M., Contreras, J., Hernández Flores, N. (Eds.) Cortesía y conversación: de lo escrito a lo oral. Valencia, Estocolmo: Universidad de Valencia, Programa EDICE. ISBN: 978-91-974521-3-7. (pp. 468-488).

Garcés Conejos, Pilar & Bou Franch, Patricia (1994) “Estudio de retórica interpersonal: Tema conversacional y cortesía lingüística en The Deep Blue Sea y Look Back in Anger.” Stylistica: Revista Internacional de Estudios Estilísticos y Culturales 2-3: 73-80.

Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P.; Bou-Franch, P. & Lorenzo-Dus, N. (2013) Identity and impoliteness: The expert in the talent show Idol. Journal of Politeness Research 9(1), 97-120. DOI 10.1515/pr-2013-0005.

Garcés-Conejos, Blitvich, P., Lorenzo-Dus, N, & Bou-Franch, P. (2013). Relational work in anonymous, asynchronous communication: A study of (dis)affiliation in YouTube. In I. Kecskes and J. Romero-Trillo (Eds). Research Trends in Intercultural Pragmatics Mouton de Gruyter. (343-365)

Garcés-Conejos, Pilar & Bou-Franch, Patricia (2002) “A pragmatic account of listenership: implications for foreign/second language teaching”. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 15: 81-102.

Garcés-Conejos, Pilar; Lorenzo-Dus, Nuria;Bou-Franch, Patricia (2010) “A genre approach to impoliteness in a Spanish television talkshow: Evidence from corpus-based analysis, questionnaires and focus groups.” Intercultural Pragmatics 7(4) : 689-723.

Geyer, N (2008) Discourse and Politeness: Ambivalent Face in JapaneseContinuum.

Gómez Morón, R., Padilla Cruz, M., Fernández Amaya, L. and Hernández López, M. (eds) (2009) Pragmatics Applied to Language Teaching and Learning Newcastle upon Tyne.

Grainger, K. (1998) ‘Reality orientation in institutions for the elderly: the perspective from Interactional Sociolinguistics’. Journal of Aging Studies, 12, 1, 39-56.

Grainger, K. (2004) ‘Verbal play on the hospital ward: Solidarity or power?’  Multilingua, 23.

Grainger, K. and Harris, S. (2007) ‘Introduction’, Special Issue on Apologies, Journal of Politeness Research, 3, 1.

Grainger, K. Mills, S. and Sibanda, M. (2010) “Just tell us what to do”: Southern African    face and its relevance to intercultural communication’. Journal of Pragmatics, 42, 8.

Grainger, K. (2011) “First order” and “second order” politeness: Institutional and intercultural contexts’. In Linguistic Politeness Research Group (eds) Discursive Approaches to Politeness. Mouton.

Grainger, K. (2011)’Indirectness in Zimbabwean English: A study of intercultural communication in the UK’. In F. Bargiela and D. Kadar (eds) Politeness Across
cultures. Palgrave.

Grainger, K. (2013) ‘Of Babies and Bathwater: Is there any place for Austin and Grice in  interpersonal pragmatics?’ Journal of Pragmatics 58, Special Issue on Interpersonal Pragmatics.

Grainger, K., Kerkham, Z., Mansor, F. and Mills, S. (2015) ‘Offers and Hospitality in Arabic and English’, Journal of Politeness Research ,11.1, Special Issue on African Politeness.

Grainger, K. and Mills, S. (2016), Directness and Indirectness across Cultures, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Harris, S., Grainger, K. and Mullany, L. (2006) ‘The pragmatics of political apologies’, Discourse and Society, 17, 6.

Haugh, Michael (2014) Im/politeness Implicatures. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.

Hickey, L and Stewart, M (eds) (2005) Politeness in Europe (Multilingual Matters)Multilingual Matters Limited.

Hidemitsu T (2012) A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of the English Imperative: with Special Reference to Japanese Imperatives, John Bejamins Publishing Company.

Holmes, Janet, Meredith Marra and Bernadette Vine (2012) Politeness and impoliteness in New Zealand English workplace discourse. Journal of Pragmatics 44: 1063—1076.
Special edition edited by Michael Haugh and Klaus Schneider. Published on-line.

Holmes Janet (2012) Politeness in intercultural discourse and communication. In Christina Bratt Paulston, Scott F. Kiesling, and Elizabeth S. Rangel (eds) Handbook of Intercultural Discourse and Communication. Oxford: Blackwell. 205 – 228.

Holmes, Janet and Meredith Marra. (2011) Relativity rules: politic talk in ethnicised workplaces. In Bethan L. Davies, Michael Haugh and Andrew John Merrison (eds) Situated Politeness. London: Continuum. 27-52.

Holmes, Janet, Meredith Marra and Stephanie Schnurr (2008) Impoliteness and ethnicity: Māori and Pākehā discourse in New Zealand workplaces. J Politeness Research 4,2: 193-219.

House, Juliane (1986) “Cross-Cultural Pragmatics and Foreign Language Learning” in: K.-R.Bausch et al (eds) Probleme und Perspektiven der Sprachlehrforschung. Frankfurt/Main: Scriptor, pp. 281-296.

Holmes J (2006) Politeness strategies as linguistic variables. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics 2nd Ed. (ed) Keith Brown. Elsevier: Oxford. 684-697.

Kadar, Daniel and Michael Haugh (2013) Understanding Politeness. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Kadar D.and Hao Sun (eds) (2008) It’s the Dragon’s Turn: Chinese Institutional Discourses (Linguistic Insights: Studies in Language and Communication)Bern: Peter Lang.

Kadar D. and Mills S. (eds) (2011) Politeness in East Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kadar D.and Pan Y. (2010) Politeness in Historical and Contemporary China. London/New York: Continuum.

Langlotz, Andreas, and Miriam A. Locher. 2012. “Ways of communicating emotional stance in online disagreements.” Journal of Pragmatics no. 44 (12):1591-1606.

Langlotz, Andreas, and Miriam A. Locher. 2013. “The role of emotions in relational work.” Journal of Pragmatics no. 58:87-107. doi:

Langlotz, Andreas, and Locher, Miriam A. (2017). (Im)politeness and emotion. In J. H. Culpeper, Michael; Kádár, Dániel (Ed.), Palgrave Handbook of Linguistic (Im)Politeness. London: Palgrave.

Locher, Miriam A. (2004). Power and Politeness in Action: Disagreements in Oral Communication. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Locher, Miriam A. (2006). Advice Online. Advice-giving in an American Internet Health Column. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Locher, Miriam A. (ed.). (2010). Special issue on “Politeness and impoliteness in computer-mediated communication”. Vol. 6, Journal of Politeness Research.

Locher, Miriam A., Brook Bolander, and Nicole Höhn (eds). 2015. Special issue: Relational Work in Facebook and Discussion Boards/Fora in Pragmatics. Available at:

Locher, Miriam A., and Sage Lambert Graham (eds). 2010. Interpersonal Pragmatics. Vol. 6, Handbooks of Pragmatics. Berlin: Mouton.

Locher, Miriam A., and Jürg Strässler (eds). 2008. Standards and Norms in the English Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Locher, Miriam A. 2008. “Relational work, politeness and identity construction.” In Handbooks of Applied Linguistics. Volume 2: Interpersonal Communication, edited by Gerd Antos, Eija Ventola and Tilo Weber, 509–540. Berlin / New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Locher, Miriam A. 2011. “Situated impoliteness: The interface between relational work and identity construction.” In Situated Politeness, edited by Bethan L. Davies, Michael Haugh and Andrew John Merrison, 187-208. New York, London: Continuum International Publishing Group.

Locher, Miriam A. 2012. “Politeness research from past to future, with a special focus on the discursive approach.” In New Perspectives on (Im)Politeness and Interpersonal Communication, edited by Lucía Fernandez Amaya, Maria de la O. Hernandez Lopez, Reyes Gomez Moron, Manuel Padilla Cruz, Manuel Mejias Borrero and Mariana Relinque Barranca, 36-60. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Locher, Miriam A. 2013. “Internet advice.” In Pragmatics of Computer-mediated Communication, edited by Susan Herring, Dieter Stein and Tuija Virtanen, 339-362. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Locher, Miriam A. 2013. “Politeness.” In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, edited by Carol E. Chapelle. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Locher, Miriam A. 2014. “Electronic discourse.” In Pragmatics of discourse, edited by Klaus P. Schneider and Anne Barron, 555-581. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Locher, Miriam A. 2014. “The relational aspect of language: Avenues of research.” In Anglistentag 2013 Konstanz: Proceedings, edited by Silvia Mergenthal and Reingard M. Nischik, 309-322. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.

Locher, Miriam A. 2015 ““After all, the last thing I wanted to be was rude”: Raising of pragmatic awareness through reflective writing.” In ‘Teaching’ and ‘Learning’ (Im)politeness, edited by Barbara Pizziconi and Miriam A. Locher. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton, 185-209.

Locher, Miriam A., and Brook Bolander. 2014. “Relational work and the display of multilingualism in two Facebook groups.” In Facework and social media, edited by Kristina Bedijs, Gudrun Held and Christiane Maaß, 157-191. Münster: Lit-Verlag.

Locher, Miriam A., and Brook Bolander. in press, 2015. “Humour in microblogging: Exploiting linguistic humour strategies for identity construction in two Facebook focus groups.” In Interaction and Participation in the (New) Media, edited by Marta Dynel and Jan Chovanec. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Locher, Miriam A. (2017). Reflective Writing in Medical Practice. A Linguistic Perspective. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Locher, Miriam  & Bolander, Brook. (2017). Facework and identity. In C. R. Hoffmann & W. Bublitz (Eds.), Pragmatics of Social Media (pp. 407-434). Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter Mouton.

Locher, Miriam A., & Schnurr, Stefanie. (2017). (Im)politeness in health settings. In J. Culpeper, M. Haugh, & D. Kádár (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Linguistic (Im)Politeness. London: Palgrave.

Locher, Miriam A., and Derek Bousfield. 2008. “Introduction: Impoliteness and power in language.” In Impoliteness in Language. Studies on its Interplay with Power in Theory and Practice, edited by Derek Bousfield and Miriam A. Locher, 1–13. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Locher, Miriam A., and Sage Lambert Graham. 2010. “Introduction to Interpersonal Pragmatics.” In Interpersonal Pragmatics, edited by Miriam A. Locher and Sage Lambert Graham, 1-13. Berlin: Mouton.

Locher, Miriam A., and Regula Koenig. 2014. ““All I could do was hand her another tissue” – Handling emotions as a challenge in reflective writing texts by medical students.” In Emotion, Affect, Sentiment: The Language and Aesthetics of Feeling, edited by Andreas Langlotz and Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet, 215-236. Tübingen: Narr.

Locher, Miriam A., and Holger Limberg. 2012. “Introduction to advice in discourse.” In Advice in Discourse, edited by Holger Limberg and Miriam A. Locher, 1-27. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Locher, Miriam A., and Jürg Strässler. 2008. “Introduction: Standards and norms.” In Standards and Norms in the English Language, edited by Miriam A. Locher and Jürg Strässler, 1–20. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Locher, Miriam A., and Richard J. Watts. 2008. “Relational work and impoliteness: Negotiating norms of linguistic behaviour.” In Impoliteness in Language. Studies on its Interplay with Power in Theory and Practice, edited by Derek Bousfield and Miriam A. Locher, 77–99. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Locher, Miriam A. 2006. “The discursive approach to polite behavior: A response to Glick.” Language in Society no. 35 (5):733–735.

Locher, Miriam A. 2006. “Polite behavior within relational work: The discursive approach to politeness.” Multilingua no. 25 (3):249–267.

Locher, Miriam A. 2010. “Health Internet sites: A linguistic perspective on health advice columns.” Social Semiotics no. 20 (1):43-59.

Locher, Miriam A. 2010. “Introduction: Politeness and impoliteness in computer-mediated communication.” Journal of Politeness Research no. 6 (1):1-5. doi: DOI 10.1515/JPLR.2010.001.

Locher, Miriam A. 2013. “Relational work and interpersonal pragmatics.” Journal of Pragmatics no. 58:145-149. doi:

Locher, Miriam A., and Andreas Langlotz. 2008. “Relational work: At the intersection of cognition, interaction and emotion.” Bulletin Suisse de Linguistique Appliquée (VALS-ASLA) no. 88:165-191.

Locher, Miriam A., and Richard J. Watts. 2005. “Politeness theory and relational work.” Journal of Politeness Research no. 1 (1):9–33.

Lorenzo-Dus, N. & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (Eds.) (2013) Real talk: Reality television and discourse analysis in action. Palgrave Macmillan.

Lorenzo-Dus, N.; Bou-Franch, P. & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2013) Impoliteness in US/UK talent shows: A diachronic study of the evolution of a genre. In: Lorenzo-Dus, N. & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich (eds.) Real Talk: Reality Television and Discourse Analysis in Action (169-198). Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.

Lorenzo-Dus, Nuria & Bou-Franch, Patricia (2013) A cross-cultural investigation of email communication in Peninsular Spanish and British English – The role of (in)formality and (in)directness. Pragmatics and Society 4: 1, 1-25. DOI 10.1075/ps.4.1.01lor.

Lorenzo-Dus, Nuria and Bou-Franch, Patricia (2003) ‘Gender and politeness: Spanish and British undergraduates’ perceptions of appropriate requests’, J. Santaemilia (ed.) Gender, Language and Translation, 187-199, Valencia: Universidad de Valencia / Direccion General de la Mujer.

Lorenzo-Dus, N., Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. & Bou-Franch, P. (2011). On-line polylogues and impoliteness: The case of postings sent in response to the Obama Reggaeton YouTube video. Journal of Pragmatics 43, 10: 2578-2593.

Lorenzo-Dus, N. & Garcés-Conejos, Blitvich, P. (2013).Different methodological approaches to the analysis of reality TV.In N. Lorenzo-Dus & P. Garcés-Conejos
Blitvich (Eds.) Real talk: Reality television and discourse analysis in action. Palgrave Macmillan.

Lorenzo-Dus, N. Bou-Franch, P. Garcés-Conejos, P. (2013). Impoliteness in USA / UK talent shows – A diachronic study of the evolution of a genre. In N. Lorenzo-Dus & P. Garcés-Conejos Blitvich (Eds.) Real talk: Reality television and discourse analysis in action. Palgrave Macmillan.

Mills, S.(2003) Gender and Politeness (Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Mills S 2011 ed with Daniel Kadar: East Asian Politeness, Cambridge University Press

Mills S 2011 ed.with Linguistic Politeness Research Group: Discursive Approaches To Politeness, Mouton de Gruyter

Mills S 2014 `The stylistics of relationships’ ed Stockwell P, Cambridge Handbook of Stylistics Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Mills S 2014 `Language, culture and politeness’ ed F Sharifian Routledge Handbook and Language and Culture, Routledge, London

Mills S 2011 `Communities of practice and politeness’ ed Davies, B, Haugh, M. and Merrison, A: Situated politeness, Continuum, London,pp.73-88.

Mills S 2011 `Discursive approaches to politeness’ in edited Linguistic Politeness; Research Group: Discursive Approaches to Politeness, Mouton

Mills S 2002 `Rethinking Politeness, Impoliteness and Gender Identity’, eds. Litoselliti L,and Sunderland J. Discourse Analysis and Gender Identity, John Benjamins, Amsterdam

Mills S 2014 Discursive Pragmatics, ed with Daniel Kadar and Michael Haugh, special issueJournal of Pragmatics.

Mills S 2006 Politeness at Work, (with Kate Beeching), Journal of Politeness Research, 1/2

Mills S 2002 Linguistic Politeness & Context, (with Bargiela et. al.), Issue 3, Working Papers on the Web;

Mills S 2013 with Kadar D. `Discernment and volition’, Journal of Politeness Research, 9/2, pp. 133-158.

Mills S 2009 `Impoliteness at a cultural level’ Journal of Pragmatics , vol 41, pp.1047 1060.

Mills S 2005 `Gender and impoliteness’, Journal of Politeness Research, 1/2

Mills S 2004 `Class, gender and politeness’, Multilingua, special issue on Politeness and Power.

Mullany, L. (2007) Gendered Discourse in the Professional Workplace,Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Mustapha, A. S. 2006. Politeness strategies in Nigerian English compliments. Gege: Ogun Studies in English 6:153-174.

O’Driscoll, Jim (2013). Situational transformations: the offensive-izing of an email message and the public-ization of offensiveness. Pragmatics & Society 4.3: 369–387.

O’Driscoll, Jim (2011). Some issues with the concept of face: when, what, how and how much? In Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini & Daniel Z. Kádár (eds.) Politeness Across Cultures. London: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 17-41. ISBN 978-0-230-23648-6

O’Driscoll, Jim (2007). Brown & Levinson ‘s face: how it can – and can ‘t – help us to understand interaction across cultures. Intercultural Pragmatics 4.4: 463-492.

O’Driscoll, Jim (2007). What ‘s in an FTA? Reflections on a chance meeting with Claudine. Journal of Politeness Research 3.2: 243-268.

O’Driscoll, Jim (1996). About face: A defence and elaboration of universal dualism. Journal of Pragmatics 25:1-32

O’Driscoll, Jim (2013). The role of language in interpersonal pragmatics. Journal of Pragmatics 58: 170-181.

O’Driscoll, Jim (2001). A face model of language choice. Multilingua 20.3:245-268.

Pan, Y (2000) Politeness in Chinese Face-to-face Interaction (Advances in Discourse Processes)Stamford, CT: Ablex.

Pizziconi, Barbara (2003)  Re-examining politeness, face and the Japanese language, Special Issue ‘About face’, Journal of Pragmatics 35, vols. 10-11:1471-1506.

Pizziconi, Barbara (2006) ‘Politeness’, Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics, Keith Brown (ed), 2nd edition, vol.9, Oxford, Elsevier: 679-684, reproduced in Mey J.L. (Ed.), 2009, Concise encyclopedia of pragmatics (2nd ed.), (pp. 706-710). Amsterdam: Elsevier (available here<and here>, 4/11/14)

Pizziconi Barbara (2007) Facework and multiple selves in apologetic metapragmatic comments in Japanese, Metapragmatics in use, Wolfram Bublitz and Axel Huebler (eds.) John Benjamin, Amsterdam: 49-72

Pizziconi, Barbara (2007) The lexical mapping of politeness in British English and Japanese, Journal of Politeness Research 3(2): 207-241.

Pizziconi, Barbara (2011) Japanese honorifics: the cultural specificity of a universal mechanism, in Politeness in East Asia – Theory and Practice, Sara Mills and Dániel Z. Kádár (eds.), Cambridge University Press: 45-70.

 Pizziconi, Barbara (ed.) (2013) Japanese Politeness in Interaction, guest editorship (and Introduction) of Multilingua special issue.

Pizziconi Barbara (2015) Teaching and learning (im)politeness: A look at the CEFR and pedagogical research, Teaching and Learning (im)politeness, B. Pizziconi and Miriam Locher (eds). Boston and Berlin:Mouton de Gruyter, 113-151.

 Pizziconi Barbara and Miriam Locher (eds), 2015 Teaching and Learning (im)politeness<>, Boston & Berlin:Mouton de Gruyter

Placencia,M. and Garcia,C (eds) 2007 Research on Politeness in the Spanish-speaking World Routledge.

Santamaría García, Carmen (2018) “Connected Learners: Online and Off-Line Learning With a Focus on Politeness Intercultural Competences”. In D. Tafazoli, M. E. Gomez Parra, and C. A. Huertas-Abril (Eds.) Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Technology-Enhanced Language Learning. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global. 83-99.
ISBN13: 9781522554639|ISBN10: 1522554637|EISBN13: 9781522554646
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5463-9.ch005

Santamaría García, Carmen (2017) “Emotional and Educational Consequences of (Im)politeness in Teacher–Student Interaction at Higher Education”. Corpus Pragmatics 1(3): pp. 233-255.
ISSN 2509-9507 ISSN e- 2509-9515 DOI:10.1007/s41701-017-0010-2

Santamaría García, Carmen (2016) “Connected Parents: Combining Online and Off-Line Parenthood in Vlogs and Blogs”. In Romero-Trillo (Ed.) Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2016. Global Implications for Society and Education in the Networked Age. Pp 27-50. Dordrecht: Springer.
ISBN: 978-3-319-41732-5
Chapter DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-41733-2_3.

Santamaría García, Carmen (2014) “Evaluative discourse and politeness in university students’ communication through social networking sites”. In Geoff Thompson and Laura Alba-Juez (eds.) Evaluation in Context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 387-411.
ISBN 9789027256478
ISBN (e-book) 9789027270726
DOI: 10.1075/pbns.242.19san.

Santamaría García, Carmen (2014) “The construction of adolescents’ peer identity through hyperbole on social networking sites”. A. Sánchez Macarro y A. B. Cabrejas Peñuelas, (eds.) New Insights into Gendered Discursive Practices: Language, Gender and Identity Construction.
Valencia: Universidad de Valencia. 159-174.
ISBN 978-84-370-9267-6.

Santamaría García, Carmen (2013) “A compelling need to evaluate: social networks as tools for the expression of affect, judgement and appreciation”. In I. Kecskes and J. Romero-Trillo (eds.). Research Trends in Intercultural Pragmatics. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton. 459-478.
ISBN 978-1-61451-511-1
ISBN (Online): 978-161451-3735
e-book ISBN 978-1-61451-373-5
DOI (Chapter): 10.1515/9781614513735.459
DOI (Book): 10.1515/9781614513735.

Santamaría García, Carmen (2013) “The Discourse of Social Networking Sites in Student Communication with Peers”. RESLA, Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada. Vol. Extra, 1 Communication and Learning Context in LSP: New Perspectives on Genre Analysis. S. Molina y A. Roldán (eds.) Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 123-142.
ISSN 0213-2028 | E-ISSN 2254-6774
DOI 10.1075/resla.27.1.05.

Santamaría García, Carmen (2011). “Bricolage assembling: CL, CA and DA to explore the negotiation of agreement in English and Spanish conversation”. Farr, Fiona and Anne O’Keeffe (eds.) Applying Corpus Linguistics. Special issue of International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. 16: 3. 345-370. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
ISSN (Online) 1569-9811 ISSN (Print)1384-6655
DOI: 10.1075/ijcl.19.3
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Savic, Milica. 2014. Politeness through the Prism of Requests, Apologies and Refusals. A Case of Advanced Serbian EFL Learners. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Schnurr, Stephanie, Meredith Marra and Janet Holmes. 2008 Impoliteness as a means of contesting power relations in the workplace. In Derek Bousfield and Miriam Locher (eds.), Impoliteness in Language: Studies on its Interplay with Power in Theory and Practice. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 211-230.

Stephanie Schnurr, Meredith Marra and Janet Holmes 2007 Being (im)polite in New Zealand workplaces: Māori and Pākehā leaders. Journal of Pragmatics 39: 712-729.

Sifianou, Maria (1992/1999/2001) Politeness Phenomena in England and Greece: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Sifianou, Maria (1992) The use of diminutives in expressing politeness. Journal of Pragmatics 17: 155-173.

Sifianou, Maria (1992) Cross-cultural communication: Compliments and offers. Parousia 8: 49-69.

Sifianou, Maria (1993) Off-record indirectness and the notion of imposition. Multilingua 12/1: 69-79.

Sifianou, Maria (1995) Do we need to be silent to be extremely polite? Silence and FTAs. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 15/1: 95-110.

Sifianou, Maria (1997) Silence and politeness. In Adam Jaworski (ed.), “Silence”: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 63-84.

Sifianou, Maria (1997) Politeness and off-record indirectness. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 126: 163-179.

Bayraktaroğlu, Arın & Sifianou, Maria (eds), (2001) Linguistic Politeness across Boundaries: The Case of Greek and Turkish. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Bayraktaroğlu, Arın & Sifianou, Maria (2001) Introduction. In A. Bayraktaroğlu & M. Sifianou(eds), Linguistic Politeness across Boundaries: The Case of Greek and Turkish. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1-16.

Sifianou, Maria (2001) “Oh! How appropriate”: Compliments and politeness. In A. Bayraktaroğlu & M.

Sifianou(eds), Linguistic Politeness across Boundaries: The Case of Greek and Turkish. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 391-430.

Sifianou, Maria (2005) Politeness in Greece: The politeness of involvement. In L. Hickey & M. Stewart (eds), Politeness in Europe. Clevendon: Multingual Matters, 263-276. (with Eleni Antonopoulou)

Sifianou, Maria (2010) The announcements in the Athens Metro stations: An example of glocalisation? Intercultural Pragmatics 7: 25–46. DOI 10.1515/IPRG.2010.002

Sifianou, Maria (2010) Linguistic politeness: Laying the foundations. In M. A. Locher & S. L. Graham (eds), Interpersonal Pragmatics.Berlin/New York:Mouton de Gruyter, 17-41.

Sifianou, Maria (2010) Conceptualizations of politeness and impoliteness in Greek. Intercultural Pragmatics 7/4: 661-687. (with Angeliki Tzanne)

Sifianou, Maria (2011) On the concept of face and politeness. In F. Bargiela-Chiappini & D. Kádár (eds.), Politeness across Cultures. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 42-58.

Sifianou, Maria (2012) “Face”, stereotyping, and claims of power: The Greeks and Turks in interaction. In C. Bratt Paulston, S. F. Kiesling & E. S. Rangel (eds.), The Handbook of Intercultural Discourse and Communication. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 292-312.(with Arın Bayraktaroğlu)

Sifianou, Maria (2012) Greek student e-mail requests to faculty members. In L. Ruiz de Zarobe & Y. Ruiz de Zarobe (eds), Speech Acts and Politeness across Languages and Cultures. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang), 89-113. (with Spyridoula Bella)

Sifianou, Maria (2012) Disagreements, politeness and face. Journal of Pragmatics. 44: 1554–1564.

Sifianou, Maria (2012) The iron fist in a velvet glove: How politeness can contribute to impoliteness. Journal of Politeness Research 8: 143-160 (with Arın Bayraktaroğlu).

Sifianou, Maria (2013) The impact of globalisation on politeness and impoliteness. Journal of Pragmatics 55: 86-102.

Sifianou, Maria (2014) Ευγένεια στον λόγο (Politeness in speech). Στο M.

Georgalidou, M. Sifianou & V. Tsakona (eds), Ανάλυση Λόγου: Θεωρία και Εφαρμογές (Discourse Analysis: Theory and Applications), 261-294. Athens: Nisos publications.

Sifianou, Maria (2015) Conceptualizing politeness in Greek: Evidence from Twitter corpora Journal of Pragmatics 86: 25-30.

Sifianou, Maria (2015) Teaching politeness? In B. Pizziconi & M. Locher (eds), Teaching and Learning (Im)Politeness. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 23-51. (with Spyridoula Bella & Angeliki Tzanne).

Sifianou, Maria (forthcoming) On culture, face and politeness. Again. In E. Bogdanowska-Jakubowska (ed.)

Special Edition of Working Papers on the Web 2002: Politeness in Context

Taylor, C. 2015. Beyond sarcasm: The metalanguage and structures of mock politeness. Journal of Pragmatics 87: 127-141.

Taylor, C. 2012. Negative politeness features and impoliteness functions: A corpus-assisted approach. Davies, B., A. Merrison and M. Haugh (eds.). Situated Politeness. Continuum.

Taylor, C. 2009. Interacting with conflicting goals: Impoliteness in hostile cross-examination. In J. Morley and P. Bayley (eds.). Corpus Assisted Discourse Studies on the Iraq War. London: Routledge, 208 – 233.

Unceta Gómez, Luis (2010) “La expresión del agradecimiento en la comedia latina”, en P. Anreiter & M. Kienpointner (eds.), Latin Linguistics Today. Akten des 15. Internationalen Kolloquiums zur lateinischen Linguistik (Innsbruck, 4-9 April 2009), Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 137, Innsbruck, 2010, 625-6373.

Unceta Gómez, Luis (2014) “Pedir perdón en latín. El acto de habla de la disculpa en las obras de Plauto y Terencio”, Emerita 82/1 (2014), 69-97. doi: 10.3989/emerita.2014.04.1328.

Unceta Gómez, Luis (2014) “La politesse linguistique en latin. Bilan d’une étude en cours”, Dictionnaire Historique et Encyclopédie Linguistique du Latin (DHELL), Partie IV: Encyclopédie Linguistique, 2014: <

Unceta Gómez, Luis (2016) “Congratulations in Latin Comedy: Types and functions”, Journal of Politeness Research 12/2 (2016), 267-290. doi: 10.1515/pr-2016-0005.

Unceta Gómez, Luis (2016) “La respuesta al agradecimiento en la comedia de Plauto y Terencio”, Pallas. Revue d’Études Antiques 102/1 (2016), 229-236.